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Circus Cannons, Guatermelons and the Law


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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

How anyone can be 6 feet, 8 inches tall and exist without a spine is quite beyond my comprehension, but somehow James Comey is still walking upright, so one can suppose it is possible.]

Late last week, the backboneless coward Comey traveled to Ireland and let loose his truest feelings regarding the United States when he told a crowd that upon entering the Emerald Isle, he and his wife wanted to tell customs that they were from Canada, because…and I’ll quote the giant invertebrate here…

“My wife and I were joking, not really joking; we wanted to tell the people on the customs line coming here that we were Canadian. And we were joking but it’s funny because it reveals a truth: I’m ashamed.”

Naturally, Comey was talking about the policy of separating illegal alien kids from their illegal alien parents at our southern border, and he added…

“I am ashamed of the way my country has acted with respect of those children. I am disgusted, I am horrified, I am embarrassed, I’m ashamed.”

Funny thing happened on Comey’s way to the land of leprechauns…

He completely forgot that the same policy President Trump has employed has been in place since Bill Clinton was in office, and that very policy is the exact same policy his former boss, one Barack Hussein Obama was using to do exactly the same thing that is being done today…and for that matter, Obama was using the exact same detention centers as are being used today.

I don’t remember James “where’s my spine” Comey being disgusted, horrified, embarrassed and/or ashamed of the policy or it’s practice when Obama was occupying the Oval Office, nor do I remember James Comey wanting to pretend he was a Canadian because of it back then either.

Also late last week, J-Lo retweeted a certain photo of the cover of Time magazine in which some spawn of an illegal alien is shown standing in front of President Trump and crying…supposedly because the little girl had just been torn away from her mother by the big, bad, mean President Trump.

Ummm…Jenny From the block…that whole thing, from the photo to the concept is a fake and a fraud perpetrated by the fake news media. That little girl in that particular photo…the real image, not the photo-shopped image on the cover of Time… was not…I repeat was NOT taken away from her mother…regardless of what Time magazine wants people to think and that has been confirmed not only by U.S. Customs and Immigration…but by none other than that little girl’s father.

Let me put this another way so as to add some context to it.

This photo does NOT show a child of an illegal alien being taken away from its family due to a policy as a matter of the law being enforced by some heavy-handed American President.

The image below however…DOES show an illegal alien child being taken away from its family…at GUNPOINT…due to the exact SAME policy as a matter of law by some heavy-handed American President.

The upper image was taken during the Trump administration, while the lower image came from the BILL CLINTON ADMINISTRATION.

That takes us back to James Comey who isn’t at all disgusted, horrified, embarrassed or ashamed by the actions undertaken by Bill Clinton, even though he is apparently all disgusted, horrified, embarrassed and ashamed now that it’s politically expedient.

Also while in Ireland last week, Comey had this to say regarding President Trump… he is “morally unqualified for office.”

Again, for the sake of context…

Comey was disgusted, horrified, embarrassed and ashamed to the point of wanting to be Canadian because our President Trump…who he claims to not to be morally qualified for the office… is enforcing the policy put into place by a President whom Comey apparently believed WAS morally qualified for the office…Bill Clinton…who actually enforced that policy while getting a hummer from, and using his intern AS a HUMIDOR.

Oh, and by the way…the morally superior Bill Clinton let it be known a couple of weeks ago that he believe HE is the true victim in the whole getting a Lewinski and a moist cigar scandal.

Okay, so…let’s have a civics 101 class here shall we?

Liberals are quite fond of calling illegal aliens “undocumented immigrants,” but what exactly IS an immigrant to begin with?

An immigrant is a “person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.” And we have laws, called immigration laws that cover people who want to come here from a foreign country.  Hopefully, everybody knows the meaning of the word “undocumented” But for the sake of clarity, it means that there is no documentation such as a name, country of origin, or reason for the immigrant’s being here or how long said immigrant will be staying.

On the other hand…we have illegal aliens which are defined as… “a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, especially a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.”

For further clarity…immigrants have documentation, and thus we know who they are, from whence they came, the amount of time they will be here, and why they are here to begin with while illegal aliens are simply breaking the law and are therefore criminals.

That said, and defined…liberals are always quick to point out the words emblazoned on our Statue of Liberty which say, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Now then…the Statue of Liberty is not one of our founding documents…it’s a statue…and therefore not the law of the land and while the words… “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” are good words…they should NOT be mistaken for “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to grab up all the free crap they can get at the expense of the American taxpayers. If they all agree to vote democrat”

Notice too that nowhere in either our actual founding documents, nowhere in any of our laws written since the penning of our founding documents nor anywhere on the Statue of Liberty does it say we must accept criminals who come here sans documentation.

In fact, our laws state quite the opposite, and those pertaining to illegal alien families aren’t some Donald Trump come lately policy, they too are written in law for any who care to go looking to see.

There ya go, and I realize there’s quite a bit of legalize in that so let me give you the Cliff’s Notes version of what it says…

Basically, as a sovereign nation of laws, we have every right to detain illegal aliens and their assorted spawn…separate the former from the latter…and then use a circus cannon to launch then back across the border.

The only real problem I can see is that without documentation, we’re really not sure in what direction to aim the cannon, or how much powder it will take to achieve the proper range. That said, one could reasonably point the open end of the cannon towards the south, and while many of the live ammo rounds are indeed Mexican in origin, many are from parts further down range however, and given the fact that the Mexican government allowed people from…let’s say…Guatemala (supposedly here to pick melons Americans won’t pick) to travel without a hiccup through Mexico on their way to become leaches on our taxpayer dollars…

I say put just enough powder in the cannon to land the illegal alien ammo in central Mexico and let the Mexican government deal with the Guatermelons…seeds and all.

Now…let’s get to the nitty gritty of what has liberals constipated this week…illegal alien kids…and because liberals tend to have a big problem with defining things…constipated means…full of crap.

President Trump did not lose 1,500 illegal alien kids over the past couple of months…he simply followed the OBAMA policy of catch and release meaning he did what the law says he has to do…detain illegal aliens as they cross the border, separate out the illegal alien kids many of whom are unaccompanied by an illegal alien adult, and then turn the illegal alien kids over to “sponsors” and give them a date to show up in court for a deportation hearing.

Just as we knew it would happen during the Obama regime, it is still happening today…those little illegal aliens and their assorted sponsors simply move away from the address given to the government and poof…they’re gone.

And here’s the factual context…while the Trump administration has placed…so far…about 16,000 illegal alien kids with these so-called “sponsors,” the Obama regime placed some 52,000 illegal alien kids with so-called “sponsors” in the year 2014 alone. Guess how many of those 52,000 illegal alien kids failed to show up for their hearings…if you guessed 94% failed to make their court appointed appearance…you would be correct which means, if your using the same liberal criteria being employed against President Trump…OBAMA “LOST” 48,880 KIDS IN 2014 ALONE.

You want the truth? Well, here it is…

I don’t remember Comey wanting to become a Canadian then…do you?

Over the weekend, President Trump said something that will cause panty wadding by liberals on top of their permanent constipation…the President said, “The word is ‘overrun.’ We will have millions and millions of people pouring through our country and all the problems that would cause with crime and schools. If they see any weakness, they will come by the millions.”

Liberals won’t like that one little bit, because the President is 100 percent correct…there are millions …many upon millions of illegal aliens meandering about in our United States…each and every one of them has brought crime because each and every one of them has broken the law simply by being here illegally, they are bleeding the American taxpayers dry and, should they sense weakness of the sort that has been the case for decades, and especially under Obama’s regime…they will come by the millions more.

That is exactly why liberals WANT to show every such weakness possible…because by giving to illegal aliens what American citizens have earned, they can secure them as being democrat voters…but how can illegal aliens vote? Just ask the powers that be in San Francisco, where a new law makes it perfectly legal for ILLEGAL ALIENS to vote in school board elections.

School Board elections…what’s the big deal? Who do you think is setting the agenda for the indoctrination of our kids? And besides that, Obama urged illegal aliens NOT to be afraid to vote just five days before the  November 2016 election, in which millennial actress Gina Rodriguez asked, “Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?”

Obama’s answer: “Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.”

The exchange begins at about the 3:30 mark of this video.

As the question was specifically about illegal aliens voting, and given how Obama answered that question…liberal claims that Obama never encouraged illegal aliens to go ahead and vote are simply lies…situation normal.

And finally…liberals have been falsely accusing President Trump of treating illegal aliens like dogs by locking them in cages…which he has NOT done…but Obama DID and the picture spread far and wide by liberals OF illegal alien kids in cages was actually taken during the Obama regime, not during the Trump presidency…however…

It occurs to me that if we DID treat illegal aliens like we treat stray dogs…and have them spayed and neutered before we load them into that aforementioned circus cannon…we could be deporting…SEEDLESS GUATERMELONS.

Something to think about anyway.

Copyright © 2018 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Becoming Europe Is Not An Option


Today, Tuesday, June 26th from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Becoming Europe is Not an Option’; Circus Cannons, Guatermelons, and the Law’; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in at: http://listen.samcloud.com/w/73891/American-Political-Radio#history

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